BUFFALO, NY (staffannouncer.com) - Welcome to our (almost) daily photo page. Almost daily, we see a photo that we know at least SOMEONE in Buffalo would love to see. Sometimes it's a peek into our distant past, often more recent, but hopefully these photos give you that warm, "aw, I remember that!" feeling. We'll even take a "Man, it would have been cool to have been around for that!" feeling, so long as you don't go make the rest of us feel old. :)
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August 2, 2012
Sorry if this makes you hungry....
Who feels like cooking in this heat... Let's go to Teds! Sheridan Drive, late 40s, early 50s. Give me a well done (aka burnt) loaded footlong with a loganberry. And when asked, "Fries or rings?," the only worthy answer is both.
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July 5, 2012
Dey Got Dat Big Gun dere
World War I: Buffalo's East side in 1918 or 1919. A mammoth coastal artillery gun is shown off at the then outdoor Broadway Market to attract people to give to the Victory Loan campaign. That's Corpus Christi church in the background.
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July 5, 2012
Buffalo Booze Bust
Wouldnt it have been great if Irv Weinstein would have been around to write Prohibition stories? They were in the papers almost every day... And I like this one in particular, because it took place in a bar my dad would buy 55 years later. The text is a bit hard to read: The Buffalo Sunday Express Sunday December 27, 1925
Cleverly concealed caches of liquor were found hidden under the floor of the barroom in the saloon at no. 807 Elk street, owned by John Doty. A large copper tank, to which were attached two spigots and a syphon, was hiding places for two dozen quarts of rare old whisky.Under the floor and on the stairway were 100 quarts of alleged liquor. Doty will be arraigned on Monday. In the late 30s, the path of Elk Street changed, and half of it became different streets. Number 807 Elk in 1925, at the corner of Smith Street, is now 207 Elk.
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June 22, 2012
Buffalo Paperboy
People love taking shots at the Buffalo News. Can't we all just get along? I will mention, though, that the circulation numbers are sadly far less than 200,000 now, except on Sunday:: but in 1929, the Evening News didn't publish on Sunday.
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June 21, 2012
Buffalo's got the spirit...
In 1982, steel and auto manufacturing jobs were leaving Buffalo by the thousands. The Chamber of Commerce, though, was in its 1982 glory with a "Talking Proud" hooked rug hanging on the wall, and a big giant computer that had about 1/320th the memory that the phone I'm writing this on has.
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June 20, 2012
97 Rock's entertainment staff:
This crew of WGR and 97 Rock staffers was responsible for entertainment reports on Rich Communications owned WGR around 1990. From left to right: Dick McFarland, Heidi Kramer, Don Tomasulo, and Marc Stout.
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June 17, 2012
from the Courier Express, 1974:
This was the script on the JC Penney at Seneca Mall, too, where we used to visit Aunt Terrie at work. They were trying to be hip in the 70s, and dropped the JC.
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June 16, 2012
Stan, Bells, and the Courier
Three Buffalo classics, one 1974 Courier-Express ad: Stan Roberts, GR-55, and Bells Markets.
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June 14, 2012
Time for a Dip
"The Delaware Pool." Look at all those babes! Tonawanda Town Pool... Postcard, Late 50s? Early 60s?
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June 11, 2012
Some still waiting?
This one goes out by request today... Peace Bridge, US bound cars, July 4, 1949. From a book written to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the bridge in 1977.
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June 9, 2012
1980s Buffalo Taste of Summer
A guy was selling hundreds of root beer cans on eBay.... I picked out Buffalo's generic pop cans of the 80s... Red and White was from Super Duper... and HyTop at Tops before they switched to their own generic brand. How many of these did you sneak into the Seneca 1-2 Cinema or take to the Crystal Beach picnic area?
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Memorial Day, 2012
Rememerbing our Dead
These are likely some of the 300 men who are buried in the Mound in the Meadow... Soldiers who died in service to our country in Buffalo in 1812. I hope you can join us Monday at 10:30 as we dedicate a new memorial to these men and their ultimate sacrifice. http://www.staffannouncer.com/meadow.htm
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May 7, 2012
Seneca Street's pharmacy
My mother worked here in high school... lived right down the street.
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January 28, 2012
It took a good 30 seconds of staring at this to figure out what was wrong with it.... It's 1970s Buffalo... backwards!!
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February 9, 2012
Hills is where the toys are!
I can imagine the grandfather who would have worn this cap would have certainly bought his grandchild a popcorn while pumping a quarter into the horse ride in the front vestibule at Hills.
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January 25, 2012
Run, Jimmy, Run!
He battled with many in the media, which resulted in the media painting Jimmy Griffin as a dour, frowning guy. This is the face many knew better!
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February 10, 2010
Good Ol'998...
Shop and Save at Sattlers.... 998 Broadway!
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October 19, 2010
What's so funny?
I'd love to know what probably inappropriate joke Bob Koop made to make everyone laugh here:) The News 4 staff circa 1985. Van Miller, Jacquie Walker, Don Paul, Carol Jasen, and the late Bob Koop.
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November 20, 2010
Umm, no?
The postcard company obviously put the wrong image on this 1949 postcard. The only mountains in Cheektowaga are made by the old clothes and sneakers left in the mall parking lot by Canadian shoppers.
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February 10, 2010
Forest City Auto Parts Guy
The Forest City Auto Parts guy... Who's LONG neck was featured on the phone book for years. I remember him from the corner of Seneca & Bailey. They probably could have kept this sign for the porn shop in that building now?
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September 19, 2010
From Booze Shop to City Hall
I found this postcard a while ago... Its two men standing in a West Side liquor store in the 1940s. The Man on the left would become a congressman in the 60s (Anthony Tauriello) and the man on the right would become Buffalo's Mayor... Frank Sedita... the current DA's grandfather. Now that I dug out the card, I'm giving it to the Sedita family... Neat heirloom.
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February 10, 2010
Before there was Irv--
From the Buffalo Evening News, Nov 29, 1958-- the day before Channel 7 signed on
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February 10, 2010
Smiling Ted
Before there was Dan Creed, before there was Billy Fuccillo, there was Smiling Ted's used cars.
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June 10, 2010
Obviously not your average drug store...
A Fay's Drugs ad from a 1990 phone book.
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March 3, 2011
Mr. Yuk is mean, Mr. Yuk is green.
WBEN-TV's John Corbett with Mr. Yuk... 1975. Corbett anchored newscasts on Channel 4 through the 60s and 70s, and was a fixture on WBEN Radio hosting midday shows live from Hengerers, as well as afternoon drive show "Car and Kitchen."
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July 4, 2010
Rock'n'Roll Law Breaker
It was the craziest radio prank to date in Buffalo... and Tom Clay... aka GUY KING... kicked off Buffalo's Rock'n'roll radio era in style... By playing "Rock Around the Clock" over and over again... while urging motorists to get a look at him standing outside the studio window...
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February 10, 2010
"Exclusive" patches from Kiss 98.5's Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer concerts from the early 90s. These were in my desk drawer at work.
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January 21, 2011
Lake Erie Steam
It's hard for me to fathom... that so many big work, pleasure, and ferrying ships were steaming in and out of Buffalo not all that long ago... I'd love to "cruise" from the foot of Main street! The Steamer Western states in steaming into Buffalo Harbor here... probably some time 1900-1910...
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April 6, 2011
Love the Orange and brown set!
From the News 4 Buffalo set in 1983, Rick Pfeiffer and Bob Koop.
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April 21, 2011
Food Arena begat Loblaws begat...
b-Kwik! Owned by Tops Friendly Markets... the stores were medium sized markets, between the large Tops stores and the small Wilson Farms stores. My grandma lived a block away from the Seneca Street b-Kwik, my dad worked there when it was Food Arena. Living in North Buffalo, I shopped often at the Hertel b-Kwik, which was bought out by Dash's.
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July 21, 2011
Punk Rock in Buffalo
Channel 4's Investigative reporter Wadi Sawabini takes a look at Punk Rock in WNY, from TV Guide in 1987. I wish I had the video!
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December 18, 2010
The Count and the Amount...
Johnny and Jimmy... the WKBW-TV Dialing for Dollars band late 60s
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December 18, 2010
WBEN Sports, 1955 style
Healy, Hubbell, and Rife... What a team right there! From an AHL Bisons program of the mid 1950s.
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February 10, 2010
Always So Good For So Little
After 50 years in Buffalo, Swiss Chalet is serving its final chicken in WNY. Here's my favorite fake "Swiss Chalet looking" window photo hanging up in the Niagara Falls Blvd location.
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November 8, 2008
From Channel 4's coverage of the day the infamous Mayor Jimmy Griffin/WBEN Reporter Brian Meyer scuffle inside the Mayor's office
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November 8, 2008
TV Sportstalk
Chris Parker, "The Bulldog," then with WBEN Radio, with Empire Sports Network's Howard Simon on Fan TV, circa 1995
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January 5, 2008
Two Buffalo Classics
Channel 7's Rick Azar not only acting as the pitchman for Buffalo's Iroquois Brewery, he's tossing one back!
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January 5, 2008
Braving the Elements
Then-WBEN-TV Weatherman Kevin O'Connell broadcasts live from just outside the Channel 4 studios during the Blizzard of '77.
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