1. Where do I find an old TV/Radio show?
The answer is, unfortunately, that most old TV & Radio shows are gone for the ages... Even recent radio shows are lost. Before the advent of cheap video tape (late 70s/early 80s), most television shows weren't recorded. Those that were recorded, were only saved for a day or a week, then the tapes were recorded over. Even those that were saved, have, more often than not, been lost/thrown out/sold for scrap over the years. Sad but true. If you have old radio/Old Local TV shows that you've recorded off the air, please drop me a line so that we an share them with the world.
2. Ignoring the above question, I was on an episode/my uncle was a guest on/They used my drawing of a fire truck on (INSERT SHOW) and I was wondering how to get a copy of that show...
Despite what you might think, TV/Radio stations don't have huge libraries with tapes of shows dating back to the dawn of time. That's just not the case. Shows that were on every day just weren't taped, and if they were... When no use was found in keeping the tapes, they were reused. Yes, a travesty... But that's why I'm here trying to collect and share as much of this stuff as possible. If I have it, its likely on this site somewhere.
3. Where's the stuff I ordered from your website? Its been like 3 weeks!
Yep... Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.Its usually a lot less than that, but running this website is my third, sometimes fourth job, and everything is made to order. Don't worry... It's on its way!!
4. May I use one of your photos/audio files on my site?
First, thanks for asking and not just taking. A link and courtesy would be nice. I've scanned all these photos and stilled the video myself, so an acknowledgement of my putting orginal content on the net would be appreciated. Please drop me an e-mail too... I'd like to see what you've done with the stuff.
5. Its an outrage that you sell airchecks and stuff. That's someone else's work.
I don't sell the airchecks... I charge for the time it takes me to make the dubs, as well as for the CDs, labels and shipping. I charge far less than many other folks who "sell" airchecks, and, in fact, would much rather trade for other good airchecks than sell... But unfortunately, most people didn't start taping the radio at age 7 like I did. That $$$ doesn't make me rich... It covers the dubbing, and some of the costs of bandwidth and webhosting, in other words, keeping the site up and running.
5. There is so much stuff on this site! You must have no life.
Next question.
7. Why have you, benevolant webmaster, given up vast portions of your life to put this site together?
The internet is a great, modern day extention of junk collecting. I love history, especially the Pop Culture History of the things that have touched my life most... Namely Radio and TV in Buffalo... And the things that have been a part of growing up in Buffalo for different generations. And having collected large piles of ephemera, photos, audio and video on that particular subject, I'd feel terrible hogging this all to myself.
8. I've written to you, but my note/pictures/whatever haven't appeared on the site yet.
I ask for and appreciate everything everyone sends me... But as you might imagine, the site update pile is rather large. Hopefully it'll get there sometime soon!
 Crystal Beach's The Comet.
 Buffalo Stallions of the MISL... Major Indoor Soccer League.
 WKBW's Rod Roddy and Herb Alpert.
 Mike Mearian and Buttons, WBEN-TV 1950s.
 Buffalo Mayor Frank Sedita, 1958-61 and 1966-73.
 Sabres Forward Lindy Ruff 1986.
 Fred Klestine and Jeff Kaye, WKBW circa 1969.