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Christmas in 1954 Buffalo... As seen in the Pages of the Courier-Express!
This is How a Queen City Christmas Looked in the Mid-50s!
Opening up the newspaper (be it the Courier or the Evening News) there were plenty of choices for Christmas shopping in Buffalo back in the 50s...
Included on these pages are a cross-section of the places Buffalonianas would have shopped for clothing, toys, food, cars, and appliances in December of 1954!
I've also included a page detailing what folks would have been wathcing on TV (if they had one!) and listening to on radio during that month!
Okay, this is cool.... but WHY?!?!
A few years ago, I was junk shopping at the Salvation Army store. My love for weird records always takes me to that part of the store,
and that's where I found the motherlode... Boxes and boxes of old 78rpm records...Sitting in the boxes they were packed in in 1955.
But it wasn't the records that caught my eye... It was the NEWSPAPER the records were wrapped in!
Dozens of sheets of Buffalo Evening News and Courier-Express...
All from December 1954. Well, I took the papers, left the records, and this is the result.
Click below for the memories:
There are some HUGE images here... so please be patient... Even the thumbnails will take a while to load.
Department Stores Ads and logos from all those great downtown stores you remember... Like AM&A's, JN Adam, Kresges, Sattlers, Kobachers, Kolpinski's and MORE... |
Grocery Stores Before there were Supermarkets, there were neighborhood Grocery Stores. If you lived in the city, there were probably 2 or 3 you could walk to...Check out some of these long gone names like Mohican, Bells, Bestway, Noels, Ralph's, and MORE! |
Radio and TV Were you lucky enough to have a TV set back in 1954? Even if you didn't... Check out what you were jealous of other kids watching... And see what you listened to on the radio instead! |
Everything Else Here are a bunch of ads that didn't fit into another other group... Burnham's, Laube's Cafterias, H-O Oats, Thruway Plaza, Western Savings and more! |
Copyright 1994-2005
Steve Cichon & Staffannouncer.com